Public Sector Strengthning

Through Public sector Strengthening, we support a growing network of government facilities by mentoring them in Long Acting and Permanent Methods to ensure that they can provide these services. We also provide limited equipment to these facilities to ensure they are able to provide the services in accordance to the high-quality standards of BLM.

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A Total market approach

MSI Malawi aims to work within and help improve the health systems countrywide.

BLM recognizes that providing services alone will not secure universal access to contraception or post abortion care, and that to catalyze real change we need to transform the environments in which we operate. This is why we do policy and advocacy work.

Policy and advocacy

BLM recognizes that providing services alone will not secure universal access to contraception or post abortion care, and that to catalyze real change we need to transform the environments in which we operate. This is why we do policy and advocacy work.

Advocacy is done in partnership with other organizations forming Malawi Health Equity Network (MHEN) and the Coalition for Prevention of Unsafe Abortions (COPUA). BLM is also a member of technical working groups formed by the Ministry of Health and Population Services. The policy and advocacy work seeks to remove policy and social-cultural barriers to access of comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services.